I am well aware that of all the words of my letter, those focused on systemic racism have been the most controversial. It seems that many people who read my letter, perhaps superficially, took my words to assume that I was arguing that no racism exists in this country. That is absurd. Of course racism exists. In my mind, this was so obvious a point that I did not feel the need to state it explicitly. There is, however, a distinct difference between racism and “systemic” or “institutional” racism.
As many have correctly suggested in recent days, whether or not you believe that systemic racism exists in this country depends on how you define it. Here I want to stop and make an important point. The originators and promoters of critical race theory are absolute geniuses at redefining, coopting and subverting the meaning of common words to manipulate public discourse. No recent movement has better mastered the devious art of Orwellian Newspeak.
Before we tackle the meaning of systemic racism, I want to first address a definition of racism itself. Here’s how racism is defined in the materials created by Pollyanna, the consulting group I briefly criticized in my original letter, and that provides Brearley’s antiracism training for parents: “Prejudice, bias, and blind spots you might have within yourself as an individual.”
First, there is not even a mention of race in this definition. Any prejudice or bias, racially motivated or not, can automatically be deemed to be racism. Moreover, absent omniscience, how can any human being not have at least some “blind spots?” With this broad of a definition of racism, is there any wonder why our kids are coming home from school believing that they, their parents, and everyone else in this world are racist?
On to systemic or institutional racism. Again, a definition from Pollyanna: “The systematic distribution of resources, power and opportunity in our society to the benefit of people who are white and the exclusion of people of color.” Take notice that according to this definition, systemic racism can ONLY apply to people of color. By design, there can be no such thing as racism by Blacks against whites, or by anyone against Asians (since many do not consider Asians people of color). So, for instance, the PGA Tour, where Blacks are statistically underrepresented is systemically racist. The NBA, where whites are underrepresented, is not.
Furthermore, what exactly is meant by the word “unjust?” Here is another mealy-mouthed term that could be construed to mean, well, absolutely anything. I will reiterate what I wrote in my original letter, where I objected to the idea that, “any educational, professional, or societal outcome where Blacks are underrepresented is prima facie evidence of systemic racism.” This Marxist concept of equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity has absolutely no place in a free and democratic society.
George Floyd. Daunte Wright. Breonna Taylor. Black men and women killed by white police officers. More than anything else, it is these highly publicized events that seem to lend support to the charge of systemic racism in this country. At least that seems to be the consensus view of most Americans. These events are tragic. Of that, there is no question. They may indeed be instances of racism. But are they truly evidence of systemic racism? They are not.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, in 2018 (the most recently available data), approximately 29% of the offenders of violent crime incidents were identified as Black. Based on data from the FBI, in 2019 approximately 27% of people arrested in this country were identified as Black. And as per the website, Statista, in that same year approximately 23% of the number of people shot to death by the police in the U.S were identified as Black. The data shows very clearly that Blacks are neither arrested nor killed by police out of proportion to the number of crimes they commit. There may very well be racist cops out there. But that a small number of high-profile tragedies is evidence of systemic racism is quite simply, media fueled misinformation.
I very firmly believe that there are no institutional barriers in America today preventing any Black man or Black woman from succeeding at any walk of life. It is not simply that there are in this country Black doctors and lawyers, scientists and professors, astronauts and CEOs, artists and chefs, movie stars and sports heroes. It is that there are Black men and women in each and every one of these fields that are as respected and revered by their peers and by the public as men and women of any race, ethnicity or skin color. That we have elected a Black man as President of the United States is further proof that no opportunity is unavailable to those who work hard and have talent. To me, this demonstrates the absence of systemic or institutional racism.
I stand by what I wrote in my original letter. Every word. But you may still vehemently disagree with my definition of systemic racism. That is okay. You may vehemently disagree, with EVERY SINGLE POINT I made in my letter. And that too is okay. My letter to Brearley parents was not about race. It was, first and foremost, about the inability to have DISCUSSIONS about race. This is a point I cannot emphasize enough.
We are living in a society where certain topics (and certain words) are off limits to debate. Race is one such topic. Schools like Brearley pretend they want to have the “difficult conversations,” as I remarked in my letter, but they do not. They will neither entertain nor tolerate discussion, debate, or dissent. We cannot allow our institutions to put their fingers in their ears and shut down discussions with the cry of “racist.” We cannot allow our institutions to put their fingers in their ears on ANY of the controversial, emotional or difficult topics affecting our country, and the world. If we continue to allow debate to be stifled, we risk extinguishing the Enlightenment and turning our backs on 300 years of intellectual progress.
The second main theme of my original letter was indoctrination. At the beginning of the current school year, Brearley, like many peer institutions, demanded all parents sign a “community agreement” (we refused). This agreement stipulated, among other things, that parents will not only support the school’s antiracism initiatives in the school, but will help teach and foster these principles at home. This pledge language was then incorporated into the reenrollment contract for next school year. And the very clear message from the school if you disagree? Your family is no longer welcome. Find another school.
Let me be even clearer. A letter was co-authored by two parents of my daughter’s grade, both Brearley alums, in response to my letter. This letter was circulated among parents for signatures to then be forwarded to the Board of Trustees. After dispensing with the perfunctory and infantile condemnations of “vile and racist rant” and “fifteen minutes of fame,” the authors move on to their core message, which I’ll quote:
“In light of Andrew’s letter, it is clear that this message is not getting through to all Brearley families. Greater analysis of how we can reach every family at Brearley must be done and then action must be taken to implement the necessary steps. It saddens us greatly that any family would feel alienated by the work on diversity, equity and inclusion…The work comes from a place of love, not division. We must not give up. Only with the re-affirmation and continuing commitment…can this important work by implemented for long-term and sustained success.”
Interpretation: We cannot believe that there are still families at Brearley that think for themselves and haven’t yet joined our cult. We must double our efforts. We will not rest until EACH AND EVERY Brearley family stands with us!
If this sentiment doesn’t scare you, nothing will. The intellectual fascism is as frightening as any of the propaganda and indoctrination tactics that were common in Maoist China or Stalinist Russia.
Couldn’t agree more.
I’m an alumna of Bryn Mawr College, where a student was hounded by a social-media mob (composed of her fellow students) into transferring away from the school for the thoughtcrime of having posted on a ride-share board her desire to get a ride to a Trump rally in 2016. (She wasn’t a committed Trump supporter, as I understand it; she wanted to attend the rally to get a better idea of what the then-candidate stood for.) More recently, the business of the college—nominally, educating—was brought to a halt by a strike called and enforced by a small minority of students with a laundry list of Woke demands. The administration caved quickly and embarrassingly. Bryn Mawr isn’t alone in attracting and catering to students who engage in sanctimonious bullying. Who can forget “Shrieking Girl” at Yale some years back, screaming at a distinguished faculty member after his wife had committed the thoughtcrime of suggesting that Yale students could handle deciding on Halloween costumes without having their decisions policed? (“Shrieking Girl” is now a teacher in Brooklyn.) Or the student mob at Middlebury College, physically attacking an eminent liberal professor and injuring her neck, for her thoughtcrime of assisting in bringing to campus a speaker whose research findings the mob found unpalatable? My purpose here is, first, to thank Mr. Gutmann for his courage and wisdom and, second, to note that strong parenting is essential during this crisis in our nation’s culture. The institutional bullying at Brearley and at so many American schools, colleges, and universities both contributes to and is fed by the attraction to bullying that many children and adolescents feel naturally. It’s past time for the adults in the room to take a stand against this kind of behavior, at a minimum by making clear to their offspring how to identify ideological bullying, how to eschew it, and how to stand up against it.
I feel fortunate that my son is a young adult and completed high school, college, and master’s degree before critical race theory took hold.
Does the coercion by schools like Brearly – forced signing of pledges, forced participation in self-denouncement sessions, effectively encouraging children to rat out parents – remind people of anything? Hitler Youth? Communist Young Pioneers? This cannot continue! Sign me up for Andrew’s Army.
Forced self-denouncement. The Red Guard? Hitler Youth? Communist Young Pioneers? This cannot continue! Sign me up for Andrew’s Army.
I find the paragraph quote from the two Brearley alums particularly enlightening. They really, really believe what they write. Apparently, delusional beliefs are not limited by ones intelligence and education. This is not “intellectual fascism” but something much more pernicious and difficult to fight against.
Fred Glass
For the purpose of my response (and at the risk of being named Pseudo-Intellectual Derp Clown of the Decade), I’m going to label myself a “common sense liberal.” (Pause for ten seconds of conservative laughter.) Oh, it’s a thing, and you’ve actually gifted me with the perfect little sparkly example: I agree with you 127% about the explosion of woke/cancel culture/critical race theory ridiculousness. Yeah, it’s definitely something that a person of my, um, tendencies would normally get all frothy and aroused about. I most definitely agree that some shit needs to change, but the slash-and-burn scorched earth bullshit that’s causing the world to go all pretentious bonkers is insanely dangerous. As proof of my disdain for the wackadoos, I’ll direct your attention to the speech I recently gave to my predominantly Black and Latino co-workers and supervisors – at the risk very real risk of losing my career – excoriating cancel culture. That’s how much I think it matters. Being a person who never concedes a valid point from the other side or refuses to change their worldview is a sad, empty way to go through life, and I have zero patience for anyone who does. Ergo, common sense.
And now, for the liberal side…and your relationship with common sense…😉
You don’t know jack shit about Black people, race, race relations, racism, or systemic racism. Your crime statistics conveniently omit critical information on the shit committed by White people and the penalties meted out to both races. You also seem to think that the only crime is of the street/violence variety; white collar crime constitutes a massive segment, and, yeah, Whitey commits most of it while skating on the repercussions. Finally, saying that systemic racism is a thing of the past is not only adorably ignorant but, once again, you fail to acknowledge the ginormous impact that hundreds of years of systemic racism most definitely has on the Black community.
I can expand on all of this stuff, so if you do have some of that sweet, sweet common sense, I’d love to chat sometime.
Who are YOU to judge another, Mr. Adelman? Are you God?
Perhaps, improve yourself, love they neighbor, and improve the world
Dear Mr. Adelman
You have no idea what racism is nor the people who are proponents of CRT!! I was born in camp and my parents and I were lucky to survive and have the opportunity to come to America. A country of meritocracy, freedom of speech and religion. Your so called liberal side absurd commentary has no bearing on what Andrew is stating so succinctly. Are you fostering micro inequities and have been socialized into and oppressor role; I doubt it! So put on your big boy pants face the situation pragmatically! Crime from a statistically standpoint is perpetrated by white people to far higher extent than black Americans; 8,421,481 vs 5,858,320.That includes all flavors of crime. So you are the “liberal” that doesn’t know jack shit about racism.
I don’t see any further conversation or debate from you in the comments which follow. Nothing more to say? Or just hit & run?
I am glad that there are people that are willing to speak up against this foolishness. I am appalled at the direction young peoples minds are being manipulated into.
School Choice is the solution but proactive parents are necessary, as well.
Thank you for acting on your passion for this cause and patriotism.
Two things unite us. Patriotism and our Founding Faith. It is the source that has caused us to overcome. This is progress worth celebrating. “Progressive Politics” is not about progress.
Please see “State’s Disobedience Award” on this site:
Prejudice is not racism. People tend to follow those who are like them in looks, ideas and likes. It occurs among all races.
Unfortunately, schools can no longer teach “Jesus loves the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight.”
Prejudice is not racism. People tend to follow those who are like them in looks, ideas and likes. It occurs among all races.
Unfortunately, schools can no longer teach “Jesus loves the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight.”
I suppose the letter circulated by the two parents in your daughter’s grade ended with…..
resistance is futile!
Yes, but the Borg can be defeated.
I’d love to be be able to say “I sure am glad that my 19 year old son made it out before this junk took hold of our schools”, as one commenter stated above. My son’s experiences prevents me from feeling even the tiniest relief in that regard. I have been quite aware for many years that this agenda has been quietly playing out in an unofficial capacity much longer than most people would care to acknowledge. This isn’t a new issue. These controversial ideas, the verbal rewriting of history, the changing of the definition of words, the guilt trip laid at the feet of innocent and trusting white children, and the divisive language used to teach ALL children, have been quietly implemented as policy for many, MANY years. The only difference now?
The powers behind this insidious agenda apparently feel that their years of quiet manipulation and warped ideas have been thoroughly entrenched in enough of our young adults. Young adults who now lack the critical thinking skills to fight back or even think to question what is going on. Young adults who are now re-entering our educational system as teachers. And I say that not to place blame on young adults. Quite the opposite. They are as much a victim of this ideology as the children of today. Dare I say that not enough parents were aware of the quiet deviousness playing out in our schools the last 20-30 years? So precious few of us armed our children against what has now become an OPEN and aggressive policy that undermines the very foundational concepts our nation was founded on. God help us if parents continue to fail to safeguard their children.
On a side note, I am very much aware that this conversation has been started by the parent of a student that has the opportunity to enroll their student in private school. Private schooling was never in reach for me, nor my son. We are both products of the public school system. (Inner city schools, at that.) I can inform any parent on this forum who has children enrolled in private school and who may not be aware, that this phenomena is certainly not exclusive to private schools. I suspect that, perhaps, that may be a reason WHY some of you chose private schooling over public- to avoid the indoctrination that has become synonymous with public education. Welcome to the club. Now that those more fortunate than most have had a taste of what has been going on for years, the matter is finally getting some national recognition. I don’t say that to be divisive- God knows that we have enough issues that divide us as a nation. I only state that as yet another example of one of the many ways that have been used to keep us in line.
This problem goes far beyond our schools. All aspects of our society are at risk of destruction because of the well-laid plans that went into effect decades ago. But this is as good a place to start as any. If we can’t stand up for our children, and our ideals, we are destined as a nation to end up on the scrap heap of those failed nations before us. God help us.
Perceptive comments on deep groupthink roots. “Revolution” a long time in the making. Diagnosing sources of political overthrow necessary to its defeat. Steering government back on proper course daunting task. Mr. Gutmann is a person of courage and love.
I will continue to follow this issue with great interest. I support your effort to, “push back” against the woke mob who are trying to indoctrinate our youth.
Best of luck with your valid efforts.
I agree and hope more people wake up to what is going on, for the sake of all children, not to continue with the hate among each other.
Biden/Harris Administration must get Impeached
Our country is collapsing day by day and hour by hour. Let’s all help in our own way and be together against this and many more of what is going on. I have uploaded this site to a Free Speech Social Media Site that I created by myself, so finally people can speak free without the Censorship and without their private info to be sold and so on.
I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it and spread the word. This site will help people speak their minds and get together. Also there is a Business Directory very low cost, month to month.
That is another way I am able to help business people who have a need to let others know about their business existence without paying extreme advertising prices. The site is like: FB/Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn/You tube all under 1 Platform without the Censorship . It also has Private Servers.
The site’s name is : transparentthoughts.com You can save it also on your phone on the home screen. Do not search it on Google, because we are not affiliated with them at all for the privacy of our users. Everyone must do whatever they can for our country, our children and generations to come.
Your absolutely right there are no barriers put in place in this country that prevents a black man or woman from achieving what they want to achieve. Sadly, the race baiters in the media and in
certain communities that feed off of this narrative are the reasons we have to defend our nation so vehemently. We must take a firm stand and continue to refute these inaccuracies that do nothing but divide and separate.
What a breath of fresh air to read something shared publicly from 3,000 miles away that I have been hearing echoed regularly in our community.
I believe Andrew Gutman’s letter has successfully captured the essence of what parents nationwide are conveying to their friends, family, and colleagues locally.
I am a former Marine, transplanted from Chicago to California by choice…I was raised by a single mother and grew up poor supported by the federal government via monthly welfare checks to help make ends meet. My neighborhood was slightly diverse
and my best friends were of various races and religion. Unfortunately, our area was riddled with crime primarily driven by gang violence.
I experienced racial bias throughout my childhood which motivated me to get good grades at school so I could get out of that area by being selected to attend a better highschool where I would have a chance at actually graduating before either getting shot, stabbed, addicted, or ending up in prison like many friends and family did. Somehow I made it out of there with the help of excellent public school teachers who taught the classical, traditional, love of God and country -based curriculum.
If I had been fed the dogma being peddled in Critical Race Theory there is a good chance I probably would have succom to my environment never attempting to rise above my perceived station in life. Fortunately, there were solid teachers who were firmly engaged in their students futures. That academic experience was the only stable foundation I knew growing up…it planted the seeds of desire to improve my situation so that hopefully I could break that dysfunctional cycle by giving my family the opportunity to enjoy a life free of the childhood lunacy I had experienced.
Ultimately, after getting out of the military I eventually acquired a higher education and a good career. My son is supposed to become the benefactor of these achievements so that he can leverage them an avoid some of the pitfalls that plague my youth.
Instead, his future education is now at risk because of the current indoctrination curriculum being fed to his generation. My wife and I are trying to instill in him the value of God, Family, Country, and a good Education…meanwhile this polluted dogma is eroding those efforts. My family came to this country in the 1950’s to get away from the devastation that Communism imposed on them during their lives. They experienced firsthand what life was like under a Marxism-Leninism and Stalin ran totalitarian society. I can still recall as a boy during celebratory gatherings how fearful that generation was to speak freely and openly…where a deliberate temporary pause in the conversations would occur whenever there was a knock at the door only to be followed by a knowing nervous giggle from all when they realized it was my uncle.
Strangely, that same nervous aura is being revisited in homes across this nation on a regular basis yet at a much more concerning level…no longer is it a knock at the door but rather it’s our own technology, colleagues, and even neighbors are being suspected of potential betrayal.
Who would have thought as little as even 5 years that we would have such a pervasive upside down culture today? This nation needs to apply some first aid techniques and get back on track before there is nothing left to revive. Start the breathing, Stop the bleeding, Protect the wound, and Treat for Shock.
On that note… I will close with this: Occum’s Razor suggests that all things being equal the simplest solution is usually the correct one. With that said, let me direct the readers to verse 31 below (in context of Mark 12:28 – 12:31). Sometimes the solution is truly just that simple.
Mark 12:31
28. And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29. And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Alex, that was so beautiful said. I hope this will wake parents up to start teaching their children about God, Jesus and the family culture. I hope they teach them that all people are equal and stop the racism, and with in regards to everyone’s ethnic background and so on…
If you would like to know that there is a New Social Media Site that is NOT Censored and is a Free Speech/Not Google Affiliated. Very organized chats and it is where people can voice their concerns, connect together with the same thoughts and religious beliefs. It is also a good site for teenagers to vent and express themselves and or concerns within their family and or school, friends.
It is like : FB/Twitter/Instagram/You Tube/LinkedIn all under 1 Platform with the exception that it is Not Censored and they have their own Servers.
Easy sign up and there is even a Business Directory for all who want to advertise in very low cost month per month.
See more videos and upload your own, if you want people to know what is happening
Take Care, and may God give you and all parents strength, wisdom and courage to raise your kids in God’s direction and feel proud of them!
Thank you Alex C. for sharing your experience. Our country is being destroyed from within and it started with the education of our youth. “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socislism. But under the name of ‘lberalism’ they will adopt every fragment if the Socialst program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, wothout knowing how it happened.” -Norman Thomas, Socialist Party of America
1. Not long ago, whites elected a *black* president, and then re-elected him. That is to say, it took white people to put Obama in office. Yet, these same whites are now accused of being white supremacists and racists, and told that they cannot help it, they just are. What’s more astounding than this racist assertion (which flies in the face of the facts, in case anyone cares anymore) is the idea that plenty of people are actually buying into it.
2. I, a white person, had a black manager and about 50 percent black colleagues in my last workplace. They had good jobs, many owned homes. My manager, though not wealthy, had her kids in private school so they could have a good future. Is that what the Liberal Left means by “systemic racism”?
3. Have you ever wondered how many police officers –and especially white officers–*prevented* innocent black babies, boys, girls, mothers, fathers, and grandparents from being killed, assaulted, raped, and kidnapped last year? How convenient that no one cites that statistic.
I have no doubt that the number of such incidents, where cops HELPED people of color last year, is vastly greater than the number of incidents that might be construed as racist attacks by police against people of color. But there is a reason our government wants the people to hate and get rid of (defund) the police. It has nothing to do with systemic racism, though.
4. From everything I have read, Breonna Taylor would be alive today if her boyfriend had not shot at the police officer coming into their apartment with a search warrant. According to the boyfriend or neighbors (I don’t remember, but it was one of them), the officers did announce once. (Officers claimed they announced twice. The point is, they announced.) They were doing a sting operation on a (alleged) drug dealer–and friend of Breonna–who used Breonna’s address on one of his bank accounts and for whom Breonna rented a car out of which he was observed to be dealing drugs. The sting covered multiple addresses used by the (alleged) drug dealer. If Breonna’s boyfriend had simply opened the door, no one would have been injured. (The cop was actually shot in the leg by the boyfriend.) If there was no evidence of drug dealing at that residence, the officers would have left. But when the officer was shot, he and his fellow officers had a right to shoot back. Sadly, Breonna was the victim of that. But racism–let alone systemic racism–had nothing to do with it.
You have great courage. Your observations and insights are accurate and eloquently stated.
I fail to understand why parents, either individually or collectively, or anyone who has been a victim of cancel culture has not filed lawsuits against schools and government agencies that impose critical race theory–based programs on grounds of the First Amendment (which protects citizens from compelled speech), the Fourteenth Amendment (which provides equal protection under the law), and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race).
I do strongly agree with lunatic consequences of cancel culture and RCT. However, we can not ignore the consequences of systemic racism in centuries reverberating to this century either. This is not an on-off switch and of course it takes time if patriotism pushes all of us to redistribute opportunities in a way that historic downtrodden black people seize those re-distributed opportunities to empower themselves financially and reach out to the average norm of the whole society. This is not happen through cancel culture and wokeism. The plans like “opportunity zones”, “criminal justice reform” , “permanent funding for historically black colleges & universities” , … which are so called as “The Platinum Plan” in the Trump Admin. were the right mean toward this end. Any other so called “social justice plan” could be a distraction from a real empowerment of the people of color esp. the Black Americans. This is what hypocrite demagogues try to stress on within Orwellian arrangements.
It is about time that parents take law suit actions against the schools and Universities of the critical race theory and canceled culture issues all around…
When an institution insists that I must agree with their agenda or leave, that’s when I find the EXIT doors. Our city/country will eventually benefit from more people like you, who are willing to organize and speak up. Wish I had the tenacity to join you. After teaching at the NYCDOE for over 20 years I can wholeheartedly state that unless New York votes out these ‘far left democrats’, we are in for more of the same. Wishing you much success!!
I applaud your courage Andrew and THANK YOU for the post above. I agree with every single word you wrote. As a naturalized American citizen, who has lived in and travelled to many other countries, I believe that America is one of LEAST racist countries in the world. However, the events of last year have “woken” me up to the toxicity rampant in our schools and universities (actually also in Big Tech, legacy media and large corporations). This indoctrination by the far left and race grifters has to stop.
If there was systemic racism in America, it’s victims would naturally be leaving the US and moving to the countries where such atrocity doesn’t exist ( Does “St Louis” ring the bell?). We don’t see it happening – quite the opposite – people seek asylum here. Andrew is 150% right – no systemic racism. Weaponizing the laws and hijacking education to try and right the wrongs that were done generations ago – destroys laws and education, and at the end destroys the society.
Woke cancel culture has become a threat to the USA by racially dividing us into groups and demonizing White people because of their skin color. This ideology seeks to destroy the foundation of society by making people believe that America is evil and racist. Although there are instances of racism, America has come a long way. According to the US Census Bureau, the Black population in America is 13.4%. How do you explain that the USA is systematically racist when millions of the White majority elected a Black President twice? What about the millions of Blacks holding leadership positions, including former President Barack Obama and Congress members? Are they considered Black Supremacists? Are interracial couples-marriages racist? Are all White people privileged? Instead of being grateful for their achievements, many of those successful individuals vilify the country that has made them wealthy, famous and powerful. They must stop polarizing Americans with their inflammatory narrative that foments racial division and hatred.
The Biden administration is ruining the USA with his far-left policies, critical race theory and indoctrination tactics. President Biden should be the last person to talk about racism given his extensive record of denigrating Blacks with his derogatory comments and actions. Ironically, he now pretends to be the savior of the minorities by lecturing Americans on systemic racism, as well as pushing an anti-American, White privilege, Black victimhood, anti-Police, anti-Voting Integrity and anti-Constitution agenda for political games. Shameful! Many Americans, especially Caucasian conservatives, are afraid to talk about race and identity politics for fear of being silenced, censored, canceled or called White Supremacists by the liberal activists. Americans cannot cave in to the woke mob! The rhetoric of the leftists, promoters of cancel culture and supporters of wokeism must be challenged by asking them questions, demanding supportive evidence and taking legal action against them, as deemed appropriate. Where will woke politicians, corporate elites, Hollywood celebrities, media anchors, athletes and religious leaders who hate America live if their own country falls? WAKE UP AMERICANS BEFORE THE USA IS DESTROYED BY THE RADICAL LEFT AND GLOBALISTS!!!
I think the problem with the current socio-political indocrination that is happening in schools can be summarized in this way: my daughter (of elementary school age), never once in her life described anyone by their skin color, race, or national origin, and treated everyone exactly the same. She couldn’t care less. Ever since joining the NYC public school system, my work at home is to try to preserve that, despite the school curriculum pushing that people of different skin colors, genders, nationalities, etc. are not the same, and have different levels of privilege and guilt.
If there is something good that the disastrous lockdown and remote learning policies have brought, was letting parents take a peek inside what was going on in the classroom. Our children are being turned into soldiers in a political battle, we must end this.
With the fascist methodology being used by the “woke” crowd “1984” has arrived. Next comes the “brown shirts” and armbands ( didn’t Obama and now Biden call for a National police force). I am afraid that while the manifestations of the totalitarian state are being discussed the implementation continues unabated. Many complain but NOTHING changes. Still planning on that Disney vacation? Watching and supporting MLB? Did you cancel that Delta flight? Did you tell Mr. Bastian, the Delta CEO why you cancelled? A bully survives because nobody fights back. We MUST stand up and fight back or a “reeducation” camp is in your future.
I cannot possibly thank you enough for stating this so accurately. “AMERICANS” have to stop this insanity. Our children are exactly that OUR CHILDREN! NOT THEIRS! They are our EMPLOYEES! There are many towns, cities and states that have not fully opened back up to in school education. Teachers have in recent years went on strike while children sat at home. I would love to purpose that we select a day that all parents take their children to school and strike outside the school until they open the doors and let our children into the classrooms that we pay for and earn the salary we pay to the teachers and in particular to the school administrator right at the root of this defiance to do their jobs! Pick a date and post it everywhere possible. Go on FOX News again to announce the date. They have to open! If they don’t, then DO NOT show up virtually or otherwise! The districts don’t get paid in some states if the student has unexcused absences. PARENTS & CHILDREN STRIKE TO OPEN THE DOORS! Stop the idiocy! Don’t wait! Everyday they miss is a day lost! Do it May 24th!
I fully support anything you can do to help organize forcing our schools to return to classical curriculum and new technology. I suggested in my prior posting to get all parents and children to strike to get back into the classroom setting and simultaneously addressing obolishing anti-american, inappropriate indoctrination they are shoving down our children’s throats and imposing self hatred into their thought process. This is abuse of our children and should be criminal. Oh but wait, the only criminals in America are criminal due to the color of their skin being white! Certainly not the innocent people that actually violated a written actual law. Please everyone May 24th!! Strike to put the children in school and to prohibit the indoctrination and destruction of self worth in our children. 5-24-21 not 1619!
Please know that I fully support anything you can do to help organize forcing our schools to return to classical curriculum and new technology. I suggested in my prior posting to get all parents and children to strike to get back into the classroom setting and simultaneously addressing obolishing anti-american, inappropriate indoctrination they are shoving down our children’s throats and imposing self hatred into their thought process. This is abuse of our children and should be criminal. Oh but wait, the only criminals in America are criminal due to the color of their skin being white! Certainly not the innocent people that actually violated a written actual law. Please everyone May 24th!! Strike to put the children in school and to prohibit the indoctrination and destruction of self worth in our children. 5-24-21 not 1619!
My heart is heavy with what is going on in our country. Let me begin by stating that I am a Latina brought up in a low-income neighborhood. My mother came to this country legally in 1956 as a domestic worker. She taught us to love this country because she saw/experienced the opportunities that were available to anyone, even an uneducated, dark-skinned “India” such as herself. She is 90 now, comfortably retired for many years, and owns her own home. She taught us to love as Christ loved and give to those who need it. This is her country. She still has family in South America but this is her home. So when people start saying what a terrible country this is and what terrible people brought it to fruition I’m truly saddened, for them. My family, for one, will never have this view of a country that has given us all that we have today. Truly, what’s going on right now is a dark and disturbing trend that people need to wake up to and speak up about.
Get rid of Welfare and Systemic Racism is gone.
Why do we never hear of cops entering the homes of drug dealers who are WHITE where the suspects/perps end up dead? We all watch shows like “Breaking Bad, ” “Ozark” often admiring the white characters involved in the drug-running game but never once do we consider the real life consequences of doing so? Is it life imitating art or art imitating life? Whether you call it systemic racism or not, the fact is the penalties for black and brown bodies are much tougher and this we cannot deny.
The fact that you stated “even an uneducated, dark-skinned India” shows how much YOU have drunk from the “inferiority-indoctrinated Kool-aid” (this is what needs to change). You are no less worthy and you NEVER have been! White parents are worried about their kids feeling “guilty” well how about other children for all of these years growing up to feel “inferior” If you don’t like CRT, come up with a way to address these issues and rectify the problem.. It’s not going away anytime soon so we might as well get “un-comfortable” and try to find a solution.